
This tutorial is for a single gene analysis with SCISSOR. For more information, you can find R documentation for each function using ?function. E.g.:


Get gene annotation

SCISSOR needs gene annotation (genomic ranges for exons) formatted as "chr1:1-100,200-300:+". You can use build_gaf to obtain gene annotation from GTF file. Make sure that you specify a gene symbol, e.g. TP53, as an input in build_gaf.

Gene = "TP53"
regions = build_gaf(Gene=Gene,GTF.file="./Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.87.gtf")

Suppose that GTF file have information about our hypothetical gene, "TOY". (See Demo) Then, the build_gaf gives the exons for the gene "TOY", and the output will be something like:

> regions
[1] "chrQ:7571719-7572198,7574858-7575157,7598088-7598437:-"

Get coverage from BAM files

SCISSOR takes base-level pileup for a single gene as an input. If you want to get the pileup data from BAM files, you can use read_BAM. Suppose that your BAM files are located under the directory, ~/bamDir/. You can read the part of the BAM files for particular regions of interest into R. Then, the resulting data object pileupData is a matrix where samples are in columns and genomic coordinates are in rows. If you have IDs for your samples, you can specify them for the argument caseIDs with the same order as the BAMfiles.

BAMfiles = list.files(path="~/bamDir/")
BAMfilesPath = as.character(sapply(BAMfiles,function(x) paste(getwd(),x,sep="/")))
pileupData = read_BAM(BAMfiles=bamfilesPath,caseIDs=case.barcodes,

outputType is to set the type of intronic region that will be included in the pileup output, with choices "whole_intron", "part_intron" (default), or "only_exon". If you want SCISSOR to look for changes in intronic regions, it is good to set outputType="part_intron". Gene models are modified to include a portion but not all of intronic regions to facilitate the common alterations that involve intron-exon boundaries. The omission of large portions of introns is reasonable because they complicate the visualization of RNA pileups and add little to biologic signal. To determine which parts of introns to be included in the model, a basic rule is that the total lengths of bases for all exons and all introns at a gene to be approximately equal for the current SCISSOR application. This helps to make variations of expression at exonic regions and intronic regions comparable. More details on the rule for determining the intronic regions are in Methods of the paper (cite). outputType="only_exon" may be useful when you are only interested in changes in exons (e.g. exon skipping, alternative exon, deletion, etc.). We do not recommend outputType="whole_intron" for the statistical analysis of SCISSOR because it is very likely to add a large amount of noise rather than signals. However, outputType="whole_intron" can be useful when you want to visualize coverage with whole intronic regions.

Get genomic ranges for SCISSOR analysis

An important step of SCISSOR is to get genomic ranges for the gene of interest using get_Ranges. Wait, we already obtained regions previously... Why do we need this step? This step is needed to specify what regions are included in the analysis because our data object (pileup) might include part of the introns, whole exons, or only exons, which can be different from regions. Determined by the argument outputType, we get our new annotation to be used in the downstream analysis.

geneRanges = get_Ranges(Gene=Gene,regions=regions,outputType="part_intron")

Using this new annotation geneRanges as an input in other core functions, we let them know our genomic ranges of interest.

Plot coverage

Let's plot coverage using plot_pileup for the TOY gene. Here, we randomly chose a subset of samples (randomSamples).

            main="Raw coverage")


Let's plot the log-transformed coverage ($ \log (pileup + c) $) where $c$ is a pseudo count that is added before the log-transformation. To print labels for raw read count instead of log-transformed read count on the y-axis, you can specify the pseudo-count ($c$) for the argument logcount.

            main="Log-transformed coverage",logcount=1)



Scissor is all-in-one function performing transformation, normalization, and the statistical analysis.

We have base-level pileup data (as the object, pileupData) and genomic ranges (as the object, geneRanges) from the previous steps. Scissor takes these as inputs with other options to identify various types of structural changes such as abnormal splicing (exon skipping and intron retention), alternative transcription start or termination, small deletions, and etc. You can use Scissor as the following simple command:


Scissor performs:

  • logarithmic transformation by automatically choosing the log shift parameter
  • base-level normalization
  • global shape change detection by exploring all possible low-dimensional space
  • local shape change detection by exploring residual space

Scissor provides:

  • shape changes identified
  • outlyingness scores (global and local)
  • cutoff values (global and local)
  • most outlyingness directions for the identified shape changes

For more information, see the R documentaion: ?Scissor or help(Scissor).